Showing Tag: "cilip" (Show all posts)

Twittering Furore

Posted by Jo on Monday, March 2, 2009, In : School Librarianship 
Phil Bradley's sharp riposte to Bob McKee's blogpost on Twittering has made my Monday; Phil said everything so many librarians have been feeling as regards to CILIP's lack of communication with its members and non-members alike. Bob's point - that microblogging is not officially "sanctioned" space and his doubt that anyone will read his blog entry is borne out by the fact that I, like many others I suspect, found his comments because we read Phil's response first. Phil, in contrast to CILIP, ...
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To MCLIP or not to MCLIP

Posted by Jo on Tuesday, January 6, 2009, In : School Librarianship 
It's that time of year again - deciding whether or not to take out membership of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Informational Professionals) and be able to call myself a Chartered Librarian. I'd really like to and I feel it's important for our status, both in schools and within CILIP itself. But it is darned expensive just after Christmas and I've never really felt that I got anything for the money, other than a cosy glow. (My students love that my postnominals used to spell ALABAM...
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About Me

Jo Sennitt I'm Jo - a.k.a Ruby, a "Radical Militant Librarian" now working in the HE sector

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